The Heart of Access


The resources compiled here include links to the archive of full-length interviews, a discussion guide for educators and community organizations, and information about the community-based organizations that spearheaded the COVID response. We are working on adding more resources. Please stay tuned and fill out our contact form to get updates.

Press Release

San Francisco Department of Public Health and community partners premiere film elevating compelling stories of community public health partnerships at the center of San Francisco’s COVID-19 equity response.

Read more…

Discussion Guide

We are developing a discussion guide for educators and community groups that want to host a screening of The Heart of Access.

Coming Soon!
The Heart of Access - Film Discussion Guide

Oral History Archive

The film and production crew from AllThrive and Olu8 interviewed more than 20 frontline workers, public health employees, and leaders. Many of these rich and in-depth interviews will be archived at the San Francisco Public Library.

Coming Soon!

Organizations that Spearheaded the COVID-19 Response

There were many voices that we were not able to capture in the film. Below are the community-based organizations that led the COVID-19 response in the Bayview, Lakeview/Outer Mission Ingleside, Visitacion Valley, Mission, Excelsior, Chinatown, Tenderloin, and Western Addition.

University/School Partners & Private Vendors

Mission Language and Vocation School
San Francisco City College
San Francisco City College (Interpretation and Translation Program)
San Francisco State University (Nursing Program)
State of California College Corp
University of California San Francisco

Primary Health
Visit Health

Lilian Mark Quote
Lilian Mark Quote
We are grateful to the entire staff of the City and County of San Francisco COVID Command Center and the COVID Task Force.
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